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Mali is becoming a failed state and it is not the jihadists’ fault

Kamissa Camara argues that a focus on regional security masks the root cause of the Malian crisis. Until Mali’s governance and leadership deficits are addressed, attempts to stabilise the country will prove futile.

The view from Borno state

In a new ARI blog series, “NIGERIA: HAVE YOUR SAY", Mark Amaza looks at the impact of violent conflict on Borno state.

Nigeria’s “state of origin” conundrum

In a new ARI blog series, “NIGERIA: HAVE YOUR SAY", Cheta Nwanze argues that the “state of origin” concept should be done away with in Nigeria

Nigeria’s states: Another big headache for Buhari

Oluseun Onigbinde argues that despite missed opportunities Buhari can make up for lost time. As the man with the greatest leverage, he must lead the way in reforming Nigeria’s states.

State(s) of crisis: sub-national government in Nigeria

Paul Adams examines the origins and purpose of the Nigerian federation, state governments’ financial management and responsibilities, governors’ arbitrary power, and the need to increase internally generated state revenue.