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International Criminal Court


Podcast: Phil Clark summarises reactions to ‘Distant Justice: The Impact of the ICC on African Politics’ during a book tour of five countries

Introduction to a roundtable discussion about the International Criminal Court and Africa, held at Africa Research Institute on 12 June 2019.

Why international justice must go local: the ICC in Africa

Criticism of the ICC on the grounds of anti-African bias or neo-colonialism is simplistic. It overstates the power of the ICC and underestimates the ability of African states to manipulate the Court for their own ends.

Rwanda’s coming of age

Piotr Cieplak notes that with a median age of just 18.7 years less than half of Rwanda’s population experienced the genocide first-hand. He asks whether this will change the way Kagame publicly discusses the events of 1994.

How Rwanda judged its genocide

Speakers: Dr Phil Clark (SOAS), Sir Edward Clay (former non-resident British Ambassador to Rwanda)