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How Kenya is Failing to Create Decent Jobs

The publication uses pay as you earn (PAYE) taxation data from the Kenya Revenue Authority to define and analyse middle-income earners in formal employment in Kenya.

Uganda’s economy: 31 years of moving in circles

Ramathan Ggoobi argues that has the NRM failed to deliver on its 1986 promise of an "independent, integrated and self-sustaining national economy".

South Africa’s watershed elections: Awry, the Beloved Country?

This Briefing Note examines the backdrop to the municipal elections that are likely to be a watershed in South Africa’s democratic development.

Why implementation fails in Uganda

Museveni’s government is giving all attention to politics, policy design and planning instead of doing the small things that would make a big difference argues Ramathan Ggoobi

TRT World, 18 May 2016

Our consultant Paul Adams was interviewed by TRT World news on the Nigerian fuel strike .

Kenya economy continues to exhibit key weaknesses that must be addressed

Anzetse Were 's take on the World Bank's economic memorandum “From Economic Growth to Jobs & Prosperity” on the Kenyan economy.