What’s in it for me? Personalities, enticements and party loyalties in Tanzania’s 2015 elections
#ChangeTanzania, #TZ2015, #Uchaguzi2015, #UchaguziTZ, #Utaifa, 2015 african elections, Africa Research Institute, CCM, chadema, Chama Cha Mapinduzi, Civic United Front, Coalition of Defenders of the People’s Constitution, Constitutional Review Commission, CRC, CUF, Dar es Salaam, dodoma, katiba, Lipumba, Lowassa, Magufuli, MkikiMkiki, National League for Democracy, nick branson, NLD, Tanzania, Tanzania constitutional referendum, Tanzania election, Tanzania elections, Tanzanian government, Tanzanian politics, Tanzanian president, Ukawa, Umoja wa Katiba ya Wananchi, Zanzibar
This Briefing Note considers the variables in the country’s fifth multi-party elections, likely to be the most keenly contested to date. ...