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Duty of Care: Constitutional and law reform, in Malawi

The chief law reform at the Malawi Law Commission explains the importance of continuous, systematic law reform in young democracies and the role that it can play in upholding the credibility and effectiveness of the judiciary.

Between extremes: China and Africa

China has re-cast Africa’s position in the global economy. African governments should collaborate more keenly in exploiting relationships with China to improve economic diversification and competitiveness.

How Rwanda judged its genocide

While the full impact of the process will not be apparent for many years, gacaca community courts have delivered benefits to Rwandans in the spheres of justice, truth and reconciliation.

Whatever happened to Africa’s rapid urbanisation

African governments, policymakers and international donors need to acknowledge fundamental changes in urbanisation trends and respond to the messages imparted about employment, incomes and economic development.

Patience and Care: Rebuilding nursing and midwifery, in Somaliland

Fouzia Ismail relates what has been done to train a new generation of nurses and midwives, improve standards of patient care and foster regulation of the health sector.

Talking gender to Africa

The donor-driven gender strategy is failing. Its jargon is ambiguous and easily misunderstood and it fosters inaction on the part of patriarchal African governments.

Whodunnit in Southern Africa

Thrillers offer complex insights into how authors and readers may understand the present, and imagine the future. This is seldom recognised by journalists, academics and other commentators.

Old Tricks, Young Guns: Elections and violence in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is acclaimed as one of Africa’s most successful post-conflict states. But the country remains fragile. Support for political parties is polarised on ethnic and regional lines, and underwritten by patronage. Youth unemployment is endemic.