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Briefing Notes


South Africa: The Next Republic

The resignation of former president Thabo Mbeki can be seen as the ending of a “First Republic” in democratic South Africa. The liberal left tradition of the governing African National Congress is fading, and the “Second Republic” will be shaped by more...

Kenya: A nation fragmented

Kenya is effectively partitioned by criminal and ethnic violence, triggered by the December 27th presidential ballot. The unrest threatens Kenya’s cohesion as a nation state, with sever consequences for its landlocked neighbours and the East African region. Evidence of...

South Africa: The Brazil of Africa

This briefing note compares economic and social policy in South Africa with Brazil. It argues that South Africa has followed a trajectory similar in many respects to Brazil, the dominant economy in South America. But the comparison highlights weaknesses in Pretoria and the ANC....

Making fertiliser subsidies work in Malawi

This briefing note highlights the role of fertiliser subsidies in Malawi, the world’s fifth poorest country. Malawi has suffered recurrent poor harvests, with disastrous consequences for food security since the early 1990s. Yields have improved significantly in the past two...

Prospects for Change in Zimbabwe

A short briefing note on the current situation in Zimbabwe that has been sent to all members of parliament with an active interest in Africa. It argues that in developing a practical response to the crisis in Zimbabwe, British policy-makers must recognise the realistic prospect...

Keeping the peace in D.R. Congo (DRC)

This briefing note argues that the United Nations has no option but to extend the role of MONUC when its current mandate is reviewed in December 2007, as recommended by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. The international community is counting on Security Sector Reform (SSR) to...