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Press Room

Edward Paice on BBC World Service History Hour

The History Hour, 30 August 2014

Our Director Edward Paice spoke to the The History Hour about World War One in Africa.
Michela Wrong Africa Research Institute Foreign Policy Somalia Somali Regions

Foreign Policy, 25 August 2014

Foreign Policy contributor Michela Wrong links to our Somalia Briefing summary in her article on remittances and Somaliland.

BBC World Service, 4 August 2014

ARI Director Edward Paice spoke to the BBC's Focus on Africa programme about the need to remember the suffering and contribution of African civilians and solders affected by the East Africa campaign.
SciDev features Africa Research Institute

SciDev.Net, 25 June 2014

SciDev's Irene Friesenhahn includes ARI in her round-up of academic information sources on Africa which are readily accessible online.

The Star, 12 February 2014

Kenya's 'The Star' newspaper has published a succinct article summarising Stephen Berrisford's recent report for ARI that called for “a radically different approach” to planning law reform.

Africahot, 13 December 2013

An excerpt from ARI publican "Who Will Plan Africa's Cities" was featured on online site Africahot

AllAfrica, 11 December 2013

An excerpt from ARI publican "Who Will Plan Africa's Cities" was featured on online site

AllAfrica, 27 November 2013

Steve Ouma's blog providing historical insight into the growth of Kenya's urban centres was republished on

Financial Times, 19 November 2013

ARI director, Edward Paice quoted in a Financial Times article “Malawi cash-gate corruption scandal unfolds like a thriller”.

Tax collection in post-conflict Burundi a political struggle, argues expert panel in London

“Politics takes up 80% of my time” declared Kieran Holmes, Commissioner General of the Office Burundais des Recettes (OBR), speaking at an event in London hosted by Africa Research Institute which examined how tax collection and administration has been reformed in one of Africa’s...