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Habitat III: “a critical opportunity for Africa”

As the UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development closes, ARI’s director selects salient facts and features from the comprehensive Habitat III Regional Report for Africa

Urban land and conflict in the global South

Melanie Lombard and Carole Rakodi on what to consider when analyzing acess to land and conflict.

The view from Borno state

In a new ARI blog series, “NIGERIA: HAVE YOUR SAY", Mark Amaza looks at the impact of violent conflict on Borno state.

Co-option and cabinets in Uganda

Michael Mutyaba looks at the tactic of opposition co-option in Uganda; a strategy that has been continuously used by the NRM since it came to power in 1986

Nigeria’s “state of origin” conundrum

In a new ARI blog series, “NIGERIA: HAVE YOUR SAY", Cheta Nwanze argues that the “state of origin” concept should be done away with in Nigeria

Fighting corruption through music in Sierra Leone

Jamie Hitchen interviewed Sierra-Leonean singer Emmerson Bockarieon on his country, its corruption problem and the role music can play in raising awareness and changing attitudes

Virtual collaboration: an antidote for low research output in Africa

The case for an accessible and continuously updated Pan-African database of scientific research facilities and their equipment inventories. This would boost intra-Africa collaboration and the scientific input to national development programmes.

Edo State’s “do and die” election

Anselm Adodo gives an overview of key issues ahead of the elections for governor in Edo state, Nigeria on 10 September.