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Al Jazeera, 2 November 2012

ARI publication “Old tricks, young guns: Elections and violence in Sierra Leone” cited in Al Jazeera’s article “Youth used as pawns in Sierra Leone polls”.

Between extremes: China and Africa

As China prepares for a leadership transition amidst an economic slowdown, Africa Research Institute (ARI) examines the multifaceted relationship with Africa. In its latest Briefing Note, “Between extremes”, ARI argues that popular depictions of Sino-African relations are...

Between extremes: China and Africa

China has re-cast Africa’s position in the global economy. African governments should collaborate more keenly in exploiting relationships with China to improve economic diversification and competitiveness.

Fifth birthday celebration

On 19th September ARI celebrated its fifth birthday. Below are a selection of photographs taken at the event.

The more things change… 2012 elections in Sierra Leone

Consolidation of democratic reforms in Sierra Leone relies on economic development, say Jonathan Bhalla and Sareta Ashraph, but strategies for creating employment and redistributing wealth have been overlooked.

The East African, 15 June 2012

ARI publication “How Rwanda judged its genocide” by Dr Phil Clark cited in the East African’s article “Success and pitfalls of traditional justice as Gacaca courts winds up hearings”.

New Internationalist, 15 June 2012

Dr Phil Clark, author of ARI publication “How Rwanda judged its genocide” quoted in the New Internationalist’s article “Rwanda’s Gacaca courts: a mixed legacy”.

Polity, 4 June 2012

ARI’s publication “Diehards and Democracy: Elites, inequalities and institutions in African elections” quoted in Polity’s article “Coups in West Africa: A reflection of deficiencies in Africa’s electoral democracies?”

Rwanda’s coming of age

Piotr Cieplak notes that with a median age of just 18.7 years less than half of Rwanda’s population experienced the genocide first-hand. He asks whether this will change the way Kagame publicly discusses the events of 1994.

Rwanda’s coming of age

In his speech to mark the 18th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, President Paul Kagame noted that the first generation of men and women born during the genocide will come of age this year. There is more to this than obvious symbolism. Rwanda’s median age is estimated at 18.7,...