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After Borama: Consensus, representation and parliament in Somaliland

On the eve of the 2012 local elections, prominent Somalilanders reflect on their country’s political stability, the role of institutions and national development priorities.

The Spectator, 20 April 2013

ARI's Jonathan Bhalla, quoted in The Spectator’s piece “Africa’s election aid fiasco”.

A “Gang of Three”, the “Midnight Six” and the death of “Daniel Phiri”: anatomy of an alleged coup attempt in Malawi

The Commission of Inquiry’s 105-page report into the death, in April 2012, of President Bingu wa Mutharika of Malawi and political manoeuvrings in the immediate aftermath makes compelling reading.

Comparing elections in Sierra Leone and Ghana

Jonathan Bhalla reflects on striking similarities between elections in Ghana and Sierra Leone which both saw high turnout, the successful introduction of new technologies and first round victories for the incumbent.

Mabvutojobani, 7 December 2012

Dr Janet Chikaya-Banda, Malawi’s Solicitor General and author of ARI publication “Duty of Care: Constitutional and law reform in Malawi” cited in Mabvutojubani Magazine.

Nyasa Times, 7 December 2012

ARI publication “Duty of Care: Constitutional and law reform in Malawi” by Dr Janet Chikaya-Banda was cited in the Nyasa Times - “Malawi’s new attorney general says government will act on constitutional review please".

Chief Law Reform Officer urges government to act on report on 2004-6 constitutional review

At the Lilongwe launch of her publication Duty of Care: Constitutional and law reform, in Malawi, Dr Janet Chikaya-Banda urged the government to “fish out” the Law Commission’s report on the 2004-6 constitutional review and “move forward the recommendations”. As chief law reform...

Lilongwe launch of “Duty of Care: Constitutional and law reform in Malawi”

As chief law reform officer at the Malawi Law Commission, Dr Janet Chikaya-Banda oversaw a two-year constitutional review programme in 2004-6. In her timely account, she explains the importance of continuous, systematic law reform in young democracies and the role that it can...

Nyasa Times, 22 November 2012

ARI publication “Duty of Care: Constitutional and law reform in Malawi” by Dr Chikaya-Banda was cited in the Nyasa Times piece “Malawi should implement recommendations of constitutional review”.