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For state and citizen: Reforming revenue administration, in Burundi

Tax is high on the agenda in Africa. This Policy Voice describes how Burundi set out to improve its capacity to collect domestic revenues.

OBR management at expert tax symposium in London

Africa Research Institute (ARI) announces that it is hosting the Office Burundais des Recettes (OBR) at an expert symposium on “Tax in Africa”. The event on Tuesday 15 October in London marks the publication by ARI of “For state and citizen: Reforming tax administration, in...

L’équipe de direction de l’OBR invitée à une conférence d’experts sur l’impôt à Londres

L’Institut de recherche en Afrique «  Africa Research Institute (ARI) » annonce qu’il accueillera l’Office Burundais des Recettes (OBR) à une conférence d’experts dédiée à l’impôt en Afrique. L’événement se tiendra le mardi 15 octobre à Londres, et sera marqué par la présentation...

Tax in Africa: High on the agenda in Burundi

Edward Paice explains that while higher tax revenues will be critical for the health of the public purse in Burundi, well-judged deployment of public funds will be equally essential for social cohesion and stability.

China’s new competitor: Africa

Jonathan Bhalla and Edward Paice argue that the starting point for a discussion about China-Africa relations should be “China is neither good nor bad”.

Slum Urbanism, 30 September 2013

Excerpts from ARI publication “Who will plan Africa’s Cities?” by Vanessa Watson and Babatunde Agbola on SlumUrbanism.

The Global Herald, 21 September 2013

ARI publication “Who will plan Africa’s Cities?” by Vanessa Watson and Babatunde Agbola cited in The Global Herald’s piece “Planning the African Cities of the Future”.

The China-Africa Project podcast, 16 August 2013

ARI’s publication “In Conversation with Ambassador Zhong Jianhua” was discussed as part of the China-Africa podcast’s look at China’s special representative on African affairs.

The China Africa Project, 17 August 2013

ARI's Edward Paice and Jonathan Bhalla wrote an op-ed for the China-Africa Project. “China’s New Competitor: Africa” discussed the new, complex patterns of engagement that will emerge in the next few years.