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Funding Burundi’s revenue authority

Kieran Holmes, Commissioner General of the Burundi Revenue Authority – explains how the organisation is funded and sets out its priorities for the coming years.

Taxing Africa

Mick Moore explains why Anglophone countries have led the way in reforming tax administration in Africa and argues that property tax remains the number one unexploited revenue source on the continent.

For state and citizen: Reforming revenue administration, in Burundi

Speakers: Mick Moore (International Centre for Tax and Development), Kieran Holmes, Domitien Ndihokubwayo and Chantal Ruvakubusa (Burundi Revenue Authority)

Tax collection in post-conflict Burundi a political struggle, argues expert panel in London

“Politics takes up 80% of my time” declared Kieran Holmes, Commissioner General of the Office Burundais des Recettes (OBR), speaking at an event in London hosted by Africa Research Institute which examined how tax collection and administration has been reformed in one of Africa’s...

Tax Africa – raising revenues from domestic sources imperative in post-conflict countries, argues expert panel at Africa Research Institute in London

“The tax authority in Burundi – the Office Burundais des Recettes (OBR) – has more than doubled tax revenues in three years. This is a remarkable achievement for an organisation that was branded by Transparency International as the most corrupt institution in East Africa ...

On Africa’s future: Snapshots from the OECD Africa Forum in Paris

Edward Paice highlights some of the key topics of discussion and debate at the 2014 OECD Africa Forum in Paris. Economic models, jobs and regional integration were all on the agenda.
..., 21 October 2013

An extract from ARI's publication 'Whatever happened to Africa’s rapid urbanisation?' by Deborah Potts on Urb.Im.

Office Burundais des Recettes (OBR), 16 October 2013

ARI publication, “For State and Citizen: Reforming Revenue Administration in Burundi” uploaded to the website of L’Office Burundais des Recettes.

International Conference on Trade and Development, 16 October 2013

ARI publication, “For State and Citizen: Reforming Revenue Administration in Burundi” uploaded to the website of International Centre for Tax and Development.

Slum/ Shack Dwellers International, 20 September 2013

ARI publication “Who will plan Africa’s Cities?” by Vanessa Watson and Babatunde Agbola cited by Shack/Slum Dwellers International piece “Who will plan African cities”.