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Land, Law and Traditional Leadership in South Africa

Land remains an emotive fault line in South Africa. This Briefing Note examines the ANC's record on land reform, outlines the winners and losers under the current dispensation, and offers a series of policy provocations.

Whose Land Is It Anyway? The failure of land law reform in Kenya

Land is a “key fault line” in Kenya. Throughout East Africa land law reform has been pursued at the expense of substantive land reform. New laws have not been redistributive or transformative in a positive way.

Rapid Urbanisation in sub-Saharan Africa is a fallacy

It is frequently asserted that urbanisation levels are rising faster in sub-Saharan Africa than anywhere else in the world. In the latest Counterpoint from Africa Research Institute, “Whatever happened to Africa’s rapid urbanisation?”, Dr. Deborah Potts presents evidence to show...

Whatever happened to Africa’s rapid urbanisation?

It is widely believed that urbanisation is occurring faster in sub-Saharan Africa than anywhere else in the world, as migrants move from rural to urban settlements. This is a fallacy. While the populations of numerous urban areas are growing rapidly, the urbanisation levels of...

Planting Ideas: How fertiliser subsidies are working in Malawi

Malawians depend on domestic crops from over-cultivated soils. Recurrent poor harvests have had disastrous consequences for food security, but yields have improved significantly since the introduction of a government scheme to improve access to fertiliser by smallholder farmers....