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local government


Nigeria: Have Your Say

Explore our interactive map where Nigerians from many different walks of life reflect on aspects of sub-national government in their state

State(s) of crisis: sub-national government in Nigeria

Paul Adams examines the origins and purpose of the Nigerian federation, state governments’ financial management and responsibilities, governors’ arbitrary power, and the need to increase internally generated state revenue.
the Africa Report Lagos column

The Africa Report, 05 February 2015

ARI director Edward Paice's column for the Africa Report discusses Lagos as a model and case study for the use of property tax in Africa.

An introduction to participatory budgeting

This introduction to participatory budgeting examines how citizens, local mayors and a society of booklovers collaborated to establish the initiative in Yaoundé despite the weakness of democracy in the country.

Participation, with a little more bite

Edgar Pieterse argues that recasting participation as a genuine force of social transformation requires a frank assessment of power relations in cities across Africa and the world.