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Financements de l’Office burundais des recettes : pourquoi changer une équipe gagnante ?

NB: Ceci est une entrée de blog rédigée par Kieran Holmes, Commissaire Général de l’Office Burundais des Recettes (OBR), agence fiscale semi-autonome du Burundi. Dans un rapport qu’il a co-écrit, récemment publié par Africa Research Institute, il présente les efforts consentis...

Financing the Burundi Revenue Authority – throwing good money after good?

Kieran Holmes reflects on four years at the helm of Burundi’s revenue authority, highlighting a number of successful initiatives that are at risk of being lost if further donor support is not guaranteed.

Nairobi’s first birthday: What is really happening in the city

On the first anniversary of the swearing-in of the devolved Nairobi County government, Edward Paice looks at progress made and the significant challenges that lie ahead.

5 things to remember when researching Africa

Dr Funmi Olonisakin suggests five things to remember when researching Africa and encourages researchers to step outside the academic bubble from time to time.

Senegal: a constitution out of the blue

Olivier Milland looks at some of the constitutional revisions presented to President Macky Sall of Senegal that are based on extensive public consultations carried out across the country.

In Conversation with Susan Parnell

Ahead of the launch event for “Africa’s Urban Revolution”, a new volume from Zed Books, we sat down with the book’s co-editor Susan Parnell to discuss the state of the Africa’s cities.

Qui va prendre en charge l’aménagement des villes africaines?

Les grandes villes africaines connaissent une croissance et une transformatiojn rapides. En l’absence de politiques d’aménagement appropriées, ells deviendront de plus en plus chaotiques et inefficaces et de moins en moins viables.

Conflict in Cities: In conversation with Jo Beall

In this interview with Melanie Archer, Jo Beall comments on the ongoing conflict in South Sudan, explains what is unique about urban violence and dissects myths about African cities.

Book Review: Africa’s Urban Revolution

Hannah Gibson reviews “Africa’s Urban Revolution” and finds it to be a welcome and vital addition to a burgeoning field, presented in a highly readable and engaging manner.